Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Seminar on Explosive Growth

Dynamic Church International provides field-tested one-to-one discipleship lessons. Here is what sets these lessons apart:

1. They are designed with a 2 Timothy 2:2 strategy:  "And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also..."

2. They have a grace orientation.

3. The series of three stages include Dynamic Basics (4 lessons), Dynamic Discipling (7 essentials), and Dynamic Sharing (5 evangelism mentoring lessons).

4.  Busy pastors can choose one or two key leaders and disciple them one to one (flexible scheduling).

5. They can be used in any size of a church.

6. They are free and free to copy (PDFs). (DCI has printed notebooks that can be purchased also.)

7. DCI has strategy and leadership training online to help you get started.

Go to for more information. A zipped folder with these lessons is also online at / Church Renewal

One to one discipling is the most influential method of developing leaders yet the least practiced!


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