Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ministering to Pastors

The pressures and problems of pastoral ministry in the 21st century is taking a toll on many leaders in our country. The Scriptures recognize how Christian workers are vulnerable to fatigue and discouragement: "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart"( Gal. 6:9).

A 2009 Focus on the Family survey of pastors included these statistics:

"What one word best describes emotionally where you are today in pastoral ministry?" Apathetic 1.9%, Lonely 8.0%, Discouraged 14.7%, Exhausted 10.3%, Overwhelmed 6.7%

"Have you ever experienced a forced resignation/termination?" Yes 23.6%.

"Have you ever sought help for depression through medication or professional counseling? Yes 21.2%.

Pastors are not immune from the temptations we all face. If anything, they are more of a target due to their role in ministering to the Church. Other studies document their battles with stress, financial strain, internet pornography, family problems, and church conflicts. If there were ever a time in national and church history for pastoral leaders to experience and proclaim the full scope of Christ's provision, it is now!

In the past four decades, most of GFI's counseling ministry has been to hurting individuals and couples who are rank-and-file church members (or who have fallen away from fellowship). Although the Holy Spirit has been faithful to transform many lives through Christ-centered counseling, the message and methodology did not readily "flow uphill" to church leadership.

While maintaining contacts and staff internationally, GFI has been shifting primary resources back to the U.S.A.  We also have been refocusing on the strategic importance of serving pastors. In March, a new book by Dr. Solomon was published: From Pastors to pastors: Testimonies of Revitalized Ministries. We are encouraged by the positive responses coming back to us from pastors who read it. 

One of the major initiatives this year is an internet ministry to help struggling pastors and their wives: Through this web site we are offering articles, e-books, PowerPoints, audio testimonies, a blog and more. We ask for your prayers and suggestions as this site hopefully develops into a tool that God uses to guide many leaders to more fully understand, appropriate, and communicate their identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.

Although the Cross of salvation and dedication are often taught, the Cross of identification usually remains unexplained and unapplied. We wish we had a nickel for every counselee who "crosses the Jordan" into sanctification by faith who turns ask, "Why have I never heard this before?!"

Through pastors can connect, receive encouragement, and gain new spiritual insights. The resources are selected to promote spiritual renewal in the Christian leader's personal life, family, and ministry. In these days of religious, political, and relational turmoil, spiritual leaders--and all of us-- need to be revitalized! Pray that God will use GFI's online resources for His glory.

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