Friday, July 30, 2010

A Selfer's Prayer

Bryan M. wrote,

For you to be prayer after 15 years of searching,
spanking,and serious study:

Dear Father: I am under conviction by the Holy Spirit of trying to
live the Christian life in my own strength. I am definitely ready to
give up control of my life to my Lord Jesus to do what I cannot do, to
be what I cannot be, to quit what I cannot quit. Thank you for
forgiving my sins and taking me out of the corporate life of Adam and
grafting me into the life of Christ. Now that I am "in Christ", I
believe that I was crucified with Him, free now to choose the Spirit
instead of sin and self and that I rose with Him in newness of His
Life. From this moment on I choose to have your Son, the Lord Jesus
Christ to live His life in me and through me, trusting you for Holy
Spirit control, for power for service and restraint.

I consider myself dead to sin's reign and alive to you. I am counting
on the Holy Spirit to make me aware when I forget my death with Christ
and try to live His life for Him in my own human wisdom and energy. I
choose to present my total being to you as an instrument of
righteousness, allowing no part of me to be used for sin and self. By
faith in the fact of your truth* of "me in Christ" and "Christ in me",
I can and now order my life in accordance to God's Word, make choices,
control my emotions and thoughts in step with the (s)Spirit who leads
me. In short, I being led by the (s) Spirit, can and do WALK by Him.

Thank you for making Christ and His life real to me. And now show me
any obstacle or blockage of the marvelous flow of the life of Christ
from my regenerated human spirit through my heart to my soul to my
body thru my members. I confess any blockage of sin and self in order
to: Release the Spirit! Glorify Yourself in others and in me
because of me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen


*Jer31:31-33, Heb8 & 10; 2Cor5:14-15; Col2:6,11;
Ro6:3-13,7:22-25,8:2-5; Gal2:20, 5:16,25; 1Cor6:17; Ps139:23,24;1John1:9

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Seminar on Explosive Growth

Dynamic Church International provides field-tested one-to-one discipleship lessons. Here is what sets these lessons apart:

1. They are designed with a 2 Timothy 2:2 strategy:  "And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also..."

2. They have a grace orientation.

3. The series of three stages include Dynamic Basics (4 lessons), Dynamic Discipling (7 essentials), and Dynamic Sharing (5 evangelism mentoring lessons).

4.  Busy pastors can choose one or two key leaders and disciple them one to one (flexible scheduling).

5. They can be used in any size of a church.

6. They are free and free to copy (PDFs). (DCI has printed notebooks that can be purchased also.)

7. DCI has strategy and leadership training online to help you get started.

Go to for more information. A zipped folder with these lessons is also online at / Church Renewal

One to one discipling is the most influential method of developing leaders yet the least practiced!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ministering to Pastors

The pressures and problems of pastoral ministry in the 21st century is taking a toll on many leaders in our country. The Scriptures recognize how Christian workers are vulnerable to fatigue and discouragement: "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart"( Gal. 6:9).

A 2009 Focus on the Family survey of pastors included these statistics:

"What one word best describes emotionally where you are today in pastoral ministry?" Apathetic 1.9%, Lonely 8.0%, Discouraged 14.7%, Exhausted 10.3%, Overwhelmed 6.7%

"Have you ever experienced a forced resignation/termination?" Yes 23.6%.

"Have you ever sought help for depression through medication or professional counseling? Yes 21.2%.

Pastors are not immune from the temptations we all face. If anything, they are more of a target due to their role in ministering to the Church. Other studies document their battles with stress, financial strain, internet pornography, family problems, and church conflicts. If there were ever a time in national and church history for pastoral leaders to experience and proclaim the full scope of Christ's provision, it is now!

In the past four decades, most of GFI's counseling ministry has been to hurting individuals and couples who are rank-and-file church members (or who have fallen away from fellowship). Although the Holy Spirit has been faithful to transform many lives through Christ-centered counseling, the message and methodology did not readily "flow uphill" to church leadership.

While maintaining contacts and staff internationally, GFI has been shifting primary resources back to the U.S.A.  We also have been refocusing on the strategic importance of serving pastors. In March, a new book by Dr. Solomon was published: From Pastors to pastors: Testimonies of Revitalized Ministries. We are encouraged by the positive responses coming back to us from pastors who read it. 

One of the major initiatives this year is an internet ministry to help struggling pastors and their wives: Through this web site we are offering articles, e-books, PowerPoints, audio testimonies, a blog and more. We ask for your prayers and suggestions as this site hopefully develops into a tool that God uses to guide many leaders to more fully understand, appropriate, and communicate their identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.

Although the Cross of salvation and dedication are often taught, the Cross of identification usually remains unexplained and unapplied. We wish we had a nickel for every counselee who "crosses the Jordan" into sanctification by faith who turns ask, "Why have I never heard this before?!"

Through pastors can connect, receive encouragement, and gain new spiritual insights. The resources are selected to promote spiritual renewal in the Christian leader's personal life, family, and ministry. In these days of religious, political, and relational turmoil, spiritual leaders--and all of us-- need to be revitalized! Pray that God will use GFI's online resources for His glory.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Devotional Video from the Psalms: God loves You

"The author of this blog says this is the most watched video he's ever
shared. I came across it just this morning. It is from the Psalms,
the depths of our God's Song to us. The Psalms were sung prayers.
This one is spoken, but you can hear the music of His Heart in it, His
Heart for us, for you, for me. May it bless and joy your own heart,
too, this morning. It is about our life, it is about our days - it
is about us, our Father and the key Hope of our beings." - Lynn

See this online video:

The following is an expression of your Father's heart taken the book
of Psalms......

"My dear child, I am with you. Stop striving and know that I am God. I
chose your inheritance for you. I rule over everything. (Is 33:5)
Remember Israel -- they didn't possess the land by their own swords.
It wasn't their hand that saved them. It was My right hand and My arm
and the light of My Presence. I favored them. So it is with you. I
poured out My grace on your lips and I'll bless you forever. I will
always guard you until the day you die. You thought I was just like
you but My loving-kindness endures all day long -- every day! Know
this: I am for you! My loving-kindness toward you is higher than the
heavens. Stay with Me and take refuge under the shelter of my wings.
Trust in Me at all times and pour out your heart before Me. I am the
One who bears your burdens. (Ps 55:22) I am your salvation and the God
of deliverance for you. I will show Myself strong in the way I act on
your behalf. Just trust Me and praise Me more and more. Listen to what
I am saying. I speak peace to you My godly one. Your springs of joy
are to be found in Me. I will satisfy you every mornig with My loving-
kindness. When you find anxious thought multiplying in your mind, My
consolation will delight your soul. So be glad -- I never change. My
sovereignty rules over all. Meditate on that and I'll be pleased. I
have sent my Word and healed you and delivered you from your
destructions. I'm God. I do what ever I please, and, it pleases Me to
be gracious and compassionate and to preserve you. What I have said is
settled in heaven. I don't count sins, or no one could stand. You are
forgiven and My loving-kindness is everlasting -- My loving-kindness
is everlasting! I will accomplish the things that concern you. (Ps
138:8) I know when you sit down and get up, what you think. I
carefully watch over you as you move through your day and then sleep
at night. I'm intimately acquainted with everything about your life
before you lived a single one of them. I know your path -- I know
where you will walk. My child, I do take such pleasure in you.

With eternal love,

Your proud Father

- complied by Steve McVey

Monday, July 5, 2010


"… if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."  2 Chronicles 7:14
Now consider Matthew 7:14. "Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
According to the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:14 and 2 Chronicles 7:14, the hope for a nation in despair is in a few people.
We hear with great excitement reports of revivals where many come to Christ. Through works of evangelism, God keeps His Kingdom alive. However, we are not that excited to hear of a church where people are growing in their Christian lives and are becoming more available to God.
Yet, when a nation is drowning in sin and on its way to the judgment of God, what is the hope of those desperate for delivery? According to 2 Chronicles 7:14, her hope is in those few who are already saved. God reduced Gideon's army of 32,000 to an army of 300 to save Israel. He promised Abraham that He would not destroy Sodom if there were 10 righteous people in her.
Our passion for evangelism is wonderful and essential. But a nation's spiritual and moral decline is the result of little or no attention given to those who are already saved. In the letters of the New Testament, there is far more attention given to spiritual growth than there is to evangelism. That must tell us something.
When a nation's churches teach and guide their born again members to experience their spiritual death, burial and resurrection, they become humble and prayerful. They continue to seek the face of God and repent of their sins. God promises to heal that nation.

- David Kuykendall