For you to be prayer after 15 years of searching,
spanking,and serious study:
Dear Father: I am under conviction by the Holy Spirit of trying to
live the Christian life in my own strength. I am definitely ready to
give up control of my life to my Lord Jesus to do what I cannot do, to
be what I cannot be, to quit what I cannot quit. Thank you for
forgiving my sins and taking me out of the corporate life of Adam and
grafting me into the life of Christ. Now that I am "in Christ", I
believe that I was crucified with Him, free now to choose the Spirit
instead of sin and self and that I rose with Him in newness of His
Life. From this moment on I choose to have your Son, the Lord Jesus
Christ to live His life in me and through me, trusting you for Holy
Spirit control, for power for service and restraint.
I consider myself dead to sin's reign and alive to you. I am counting
on the Holy Spirit to make me aware when I forget my death with Christ
and try to live His life for Him in my own human wisdom and energy. I
choose to present my total being to you as an instrument of
righteousness, allowing no part of me to be used for sin and self. By
faith in the fact of your truth* of "me in Christ" and "Christ in me",
I can and now order my life in accordance to God's Word, make choices,
control my emotions and thoughts in step with the (s)Spirit who leads
me. In short, I being led by the (s) Spirit, can and do WALK by Him.
Thank you for making Christ and His life real to me. And now show me
any obstacle or blockage of the marvelous flow of the life of Christ
from my regenerated human spirit through my heart to my soul to my
body thru my members. I confess any blockage of sin and self in order
to: Release the Spirit! Glorify Yourself in others and in me
because of me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen
*Jer31:31-33, Heb8 & 10; 2Cor5:14-15; Col2:6,11;
Ro6:3-13,7:22-25,8:2-5; Gal2:20, 5:16,25; 1Cor6:17; Ps139:23,24;1John1:9