Grace Fellowship International (sponsor of has just completed a seminar that relates the message of the Cross and identification with Christ to the ministry of evangelism. The seminar could be given on a weekend or formatted differently to fit a church's schedule.
Excerpt from the first section of the seminar:
What is effective evangelism?
-Ineffective witnessing - Matt. 7:21,22
- Effective witnessing
Decision and disciple - John 5:24; 2 Pet. 1:10
"Fruit that remains" - John 15:16; Col. 1:23
The importance of effective evangelism
- The Great Commission - Matt 28:18-20
Evangelism is the beginning of discipleship
Discipleship is the validation of evangelism
The chronic lack of effective evangelism in American churches
Neglecting evangelism is a sin of omission - James 4:17
Equipping without witnessing quenches the Holy Spirit - 1 Thess. 5:19
Evangelism is the privilege and responsibility of the whole Body of Christ - Matt 4:19
Evangelism as a process: The parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23)
-Till the soil (live the abundant life, build relationships, pray)
-Sow the seed (share the Gospel)
-Water the seed (patiently ask and answer questions, pray, show love)
-Pull weeds (be able to politely refute unbiblical viewpoints - 2 Tim. 2:23-26)
-Harvest the wheat (invite him/her to receive Christ - John 1:12)
The seminar also introduces complementary materials and resources that are available for pastoral and lay ministry.
We would be glad to get feedback from pastors as we make this module available.
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