A pastor commented on the article, Trusting Christ as Your Life:
This realization hit me two months ago, that I was preaching and pastoring in my own efforts.It sounds so much better to say my own efforts but the Bible calls this "flesh" How true rings the phrase "Bewitched you" when Paul asks why the Christ followers are not obeying the truth (Jesus). Jeremiah 17:9 comes to mind when we realize that "The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?" (NASB).
I was honestly of the mind that I was a great preacher, bringing "The Word" to God's people! How wrong to think I could do this relying on my own education and oratory abilities. Many pastors and professors had warned about this pitfall through the years! And here I was a seasoned pastor, "bewitched"! How refreshing to confess this to Father and to thank Him for the forgiveness through the cross! How refreshing for God's people to now hear a pastor drawing on Jesus resurrection power and letting Jesus be seen instead! O Father you are so gracious!
Pastor D.S. Canada
Grace Note at http://www.gracenotebook.com/pub/113.html